Drawing by Th. Jefferson
First draft Monticello
With each release of Congress.gov, THOMAS is one step closer to retiring to Monticello. Tina has recently joined the Congress.gov team and has been working on a gap analysis between the two systems. She is identifying items such as the Senate Executive Communications and Congressional Record Index that exist only on THOMAS as things to address on Congress.gov.
Jill is ready to look at this from a user testing angle and interview some THOMAS users who still haven’t made the switch to Congress.gov. Are you one of them? Are you available for a 15 minute telephone interview about search on THOMAS.gov?
If so, here is how you can help.
- Copy and paste the three questions below into an email.
- Indicate your answer for each question.
- In the email subject line put: THOMAS Search Interview.
- Send to: [email protected] by Wednesday, July 1.
- We will be back in touch to set up a time.
1. Please identify yourself. (choose one)
- I am a concerned citizen following my member or issues of importance to me
- I am a data analyst that uses congressional data in other websites
- I work for the U.S. House or Senate on legislative issues
- I am a lawyer, lobbyist, librarian, teacher, journalist, government employee, or other professional following legislative issues
- I work for CRS and am a legislative expert
- None of the above. I just thought this would be interesting.
2. What is the main place you search for legislative information? (choose one)
- THOMAS.gov
- Congress.gov
- Both THOMAS.gov and Congress.gov
- Other websites
3. What brought you to THOMAS.gov recently?
- A link from a congressional website (such as a Member’s website)
- A link from a government site
- A link from a non-government site
- A web search
- I chose it specifically for the work I wanted to do
I work in the congressional affairs office of the Federal Aviation Administration and am interested in attending a training seminar on the new Congress.gov system. I haven’t stopped using the THOMAS site for legislative research because I can’t pull up the same information on the new site. Are you holding any upcoming training sessions during the August recess? Thanks.