This post is coauthored by Jeanine Cali and Andrew Weber. It seems like only yesterday we were running around Philadelphia for the annual conference of the American Association of Law Libraries. The week before the conference, Kelly wrote a post previewing the programs in which our staff would make presentations on subjects from content management, to …
I love to walk around Capitol Hill. From the Library of Congress and the Capitol Building, there are numerous views of the many beautiful buildings and fun and unusual things to see here. Today’s photos feature the statues in front of the Rayburn House Office Building. The building is a short walk from the Law Library’s home in the …
Now that we are midway through the year I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at our metrics at this point. What In Custodia Legis blog posts have been popular? What Law Library of Congress reports? What legislation? The mix of the top ten new blog posts highlights both our foreign and …