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Law Library Staff Night at Nationals Park – Pic of the Week

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On Tuesday, July 21, I had the delightful, albeit hot and humid experience, of enjoying a night out with my colleagues and our 2015 summer interns at Nationals Park to watch the Washington Nationals play against the New York Mets. If you have been following In Custodia Legis, it probably does not come as a surprise that we attended a game after work since many of my colleagues have expressed their passion for the national pastime on this blog.  For those readers who may have missed it, you can check out my colleague Betty Lupinacci’s posts, Opening Day and the Law and Baseball and the Law, which highlights what is in the Law Library’s collection related to baseball and Baseball Americana, an exhibit held at Nationals Park which highlights the Library’s vast baseball collections.

Today’s picture captures the moment when our attendance at last week’s game was announced on the Nationals Park scoreboard; of course this ten second moment was accompanied by enthusiastic cheers and claps from me and my colleagues.

In case you are wondering, the Nats did not win the game, but we won a delightful opportunity to spend time together outside of work and eat hot dogs and countless peanuts, so I would consider it a winning night!

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