It is the most beloved time of the year for bibliophiles like myself–it is National Book Festival time! The festival is this Saturday, September 5 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
As in previous years, the Law Library of Congress will host a table at the festival. Law Library staff will be available starting at 9:00 a.m. in the LC Pavilion to answer your questions about our legal research services, collection, and unique expertise in foreign and international law. Staff will also discuss our online products such as the Guide to Law Online and the Global Legal Monitor, which covers legal developments and news from around the world. In Custodia Legis blogger, Robert Brammer will provide a presentation at 10:30 a.m. that will focus on the latest features on and and how these sites can assist you with your U.S. legislative and foreign law research needs.
We will also offer handouts about our various websites and social media outlets along with a teachers guide that highlights items from our collection that can support lesson plans related to the United States Constitution, the John Adams and Boston Massacre Trials, President Lincoln and piracy trials amongst other topics.
Plus, you do not want to miss our new giveaways this year! In addition, to our popular gavel pencils, we will provide a variety of vibrant new bookmarks that feature images from the beautiful historical Thomas Jefferson Building and a panoramic view of the James Madison Building, where the Law Library of Congress is housed. We hope to see you this Saturday!