On a trip back home to Indiana, I stopped in at the Indiana State House. I always enjoy visiting buildings with a dome (the U.S. Capitol, the Library of Congress Jefferson Building, and the Hoosier Dome), so it is no surprise that I think the Indiana State House is a beautiful building. The Indiana Supreme Court Law Library is also situated in the State House, and we all know how much Law Library of Congress staff love visiting other libraries!
Inside the State House there is a rotunda with stained glass. A mention of the Library of Congress on the bust of Daniel Wolsey Voorhees also caught my eye. The plaque commemorated his service as a member of the House and Senate and specifically highlighted his support for the Library of Congress. According to his Bioguide page, he was the chairman of the Committee on the Library in the forty-sixth Congress. This connection between his past and my present made for a memorable visit.