The Library of Congress debuted the Indigenous Law Portal back in 2014, starting with coverage for tribes located within the continental United States. Since that time, the portal has expanded to include Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Constructed upon the Library’s K Classification system, the Indigenous Law Portal features links to current legal materials from the tribes themselves, as well as historical materials hosted by third parties and materials digitized from the vast collections of the Library of Congress.

We are excited to announce that Hawaii has now been added to the Indigenous Law Portal. The materials for Hawaii include legislative documents, court reporters, historical materials, as well as materials concerning civil law, commercial law, labor law, constitutional law, military law, public land law, and criminal law and procedure. The portal is very much a collaborative effort both inside and outside the Library, and we would like to thank the Law Library Microform Consortium who provided a great deal of the Hawaiian materials. We encourage feedback from all stakeholders, and have already incorporated suggestions that we have received into the portal. So if you have feedback, please leave us a comment or contact us through Ask A Librarian.