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Archive: February 2015 (2 Posts)

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Michele Chisholm, Copyright Licensing Specialist

Posted by: Jeanine Cali

Today’s interview is with Michele Chisholm, a copyright licensing specialist at the U.S. Copyright Office and the current president of the Library of Congress chapter of Blacks in Government (BIG).   Describe your background. I am a native Washingtonian, who grew up in the segregated South during the peak of the civil rights movement. My …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Wrapping up Magna Carta

Posted by: Jeanine Cali

For ten weeks, the Library of Congress hosted a whirlwind of events and activities that surrounded the exhibition, Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor. Activities began the day before the exhibition opened when the Law Library of Congress hosted the Chief Justice of the United States, John G. Roberts, Jr., and the former chief justice of …