Today’s interview is with Ana Peruza, a summer intern working in the Office of Legislative and External Relations of the Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Annapolis, Maryland. I am currently a student at South River High School. As a result of my passion to become an engineer, …
On Tuesday, July 21, I had the delightful, albeit hot and humid experience, of enjoying a night out with my colleagues and our 2015 summer interns at Nationals Park to watch the Washington Nationals play against the New York Mets. If you have been following In Custodia Legis, it probably does not come as a …
On Wednesday, March 11, 2015, the Law Library of Congress hosted Meg McAleer, senior archives specialist from the Manuscript Division for a power lunch program in celebration of Women’s History Month to discuss civil rights activist Rosa Parks and her experience processing the Rosa Parks Manuscript Collection. Rosa Parks made her indelible mark on American …
Today’s interview is with Kenneth W. Mack, inaugural Lawrence D. Biele Professor of Law at Harvard University. Prof. Mack was a speaker at the 2013 Library of Congress National Book Festival, where he discussed his book, Representing the Race: The Creation of the Civil Rights Lawyer. He is also the co-editor of The New Black: …