In Custodia Legis published 232 posts in 2015. Thanks to our prolific team of authors, that’s almost one post per day (not counting holidays or weekends)!
Liah Caravalho and Jennifer González joined us as full-fledged members of the blog team in 2015. Liah keeps us up-to-date on Law Library events and special visitors. Jennifer’s posts range from local legal history to intern interviews to the Law Library’s digital resources. They had both previously written guest posts for In Custodia Legis, and we are thrilled to have them on board!
We were sad to say goodbye to a long-time In Custodia Legis teammate, Jeanine Cali, who left the Library in November.
The blog team was excited to have In Custodia Legis named one of the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100 for 2015! This marks the second year in a row that we made the list.
Voting with their clicks, here are the posts that our readers read the most in 2015:
- Legislation Email Alerts on Congress.gov
- Women in History: Lawyers and Judges
- FALQs: Laws Related to Hunting Lions in Zimbabwe
- Women in History: Voting Rights
- Treaties, Text, and Timely Updates – Congress.gov Spring Cleaning
- New Features Added to Congress.gov Based On Your Feedback
- FALQs: Freedom of Speech in France
- Congress.gov Continues…
- FALQs: Cuban Legal System
- Now over 1,000,000 Items to Search on Congress.gov: Communications and More Added
Some of our older posts enjoyed continued popularity this year. Here are the top 10 older posts:
- The Articles of Confederation: The First Constitution of the United States
- Frequent Reference Question: How Many Federal Laws Are There?
- How to Locate Free Case Law on the Internet
- Civil War Conscription Laws
- How Robin Hood Defied King John and Brought Magna Carta to Sherwood Forest
- The History of the Mexican Constitution
- Slavery in the French Colonies: Le Code Noir (the Black Code) of 1685
- Can Children Live in Prison with a Parent?
- Legal Drafting: A Beginner’s Guide
- The San Patricios: the Irish Heroes of Mexico
On behalf of the Law Library of Congress, the In Custodia Legis team wishes you a happy and successful new year!