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Andrew Winston, AALL Emerging Leader Award

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The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Emerging Leader Award recognizes the contributions of newer members and their potential leadership and service in the profession.  Law Library of Congress Legal Reference Specialist, Andrew Winston has been named one of this year’s Emerging Leaders.  AALL is a national association which allows law librarians from county law libraries, law schools, law firms, and government agencies to connect and learn from each other.  AALL also recognizes law librarians through various awards for “service to the profession and contributions to legal literature and materials.”  Andrew will officially receive his award at the 2016 AALL annual meeting in Chicago.

Andrew has been actively involved in law library professional organizations.  He currently serves as vice chair of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee of AALL and will become chair of the committee in July of this year.   Last year, he attended AALL’s first Business Skills Clinic, and in 2014 he was selected for the AALL Leadership Academy.  We congratulate Andrew on his award and look for great things from him in the future.

Andrew Winston / Photograph by Donna Sokol
Andrew Winston / Photograph by Donna Sokol

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