With today’s update we have added additional items that users have requested. We frequently get questions on how to contact your member of Congress. There is now a prominent section for contacting your member. Another addition is the Recent section circled below. The first link for Yesterday in Congress was a favorite on THOMAS that users missed.
Occasionally, we receive requests for a function that is already available on Congress.gov. There is now a featured Search Tip to share and highlight such items. You can also subscribe to search tips from the RSS and Email Alerts page.
New Congress.gov Homepage with Recent, Contact Your Member, and Search Tips
New “Recent” set of links for “Current Legislative Activities”
“Yesterday in Congress”
“Bill Texts” received today
“Calendars and Schedules”
“Presented to President”
Enhancements – Alerts and Saved Searches:
Subscribe to appropriations update email alerts from RSS and Email Alerts
Edit an existing saved search title
Enhancements – Legislation:
Subject Term links – Links from terms open lists of other bills and resolutions to which the term has been assigned. EXAMPLE: Subject Terms Assigned to S.524
hope Indonesia gonna make like this one as soon as possible