On January 30, 2016, Mexico News Daily printed an article stating that President Enrique Peña Nieto had officially announced that what had been the Federal District would now be known as Mexico City.
So why does that matter to the Law Library’s Collection Services Division?
Looking at two consecutive issues of the gazette for this jurisdiction (above) shows a change in the title of this official government publication from Gaceta oficial Distrito Federal to Gaceta oficial de la Ciudad de México.
Part of the cataloging process includes authority records. These records track the authorized form of the name of a city (or author, or country…). Changes to the official name of a jurisdiction can result in changes to its authority record and even a new authority record.
In this case, the creator of the publication changed from the “Federal District” to “Mexico City.” Since these two jurisdictions have separate authority records, this name change resulted in a new bibliographic record being created for this publication starting with the first issue of February 2016.
Despite changes to the title and “author”, we still consider this the same publication. Thus, both bibliographic records have the same call number and the titles will reside side-by-side on the shelf.