I recently mentioned that we are doing releases for Congress.gov that are more frequent and smaller in scope. Rather than posting highlights of just the new enhancements, I thought it would be good to share a little more from across Congress.gov including the featured search tip and the top 10 most-viewed bills. Search Tip Adrienne …
This is a guest post by Rebecca Boggs Roberts. Rebecca is a program coordinator at Smithsonian Associates, writer, and the former program director for the Historic Congressional Cemetery. In 2003, an unidentified man called the Historic Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C. and asked the cemetery manager, “Would you be interested in getting William Wirt’s head back?” The answer, of course, …
Last weekend I was pulling English ivy off the corner of my house where it had grown over from the neighbor’s yard, and I reflected on the large number of invasive plants I see growing all over the national capital area: kudzu, porcelain berry, water hyacinth, callery pear, and tree of heaven. I wondered what …
This is a guest post by Conleth Burns, foreign law intern, who wrote a another post earlier this summer, UK Supreme Court rules “Deport first, appeal later” power is unlawful. On June 21st 2017, HM Queen Elizabeth II formally opened the UK’s Parliament by delivering her 64th Queen’s Speech. Despite being called the “Queen’s Speech,” this …
This is a guest post by Clare Feikert, foreign law specialist for the United Kingdom at the Law Library of Congress. “Instinctively he and we knew then that what we had not use for was nonetheless of worth”, Environment Committee, Second report, Recycling, 1993-94, HC 63-i, at 14. The “rag and bone man,” also known …
This is a guest post by Laura Read Lee, a Junior Fellow in the Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress. In this post, Laura describes the new page that she designed, “Bringing Congress to the Classroom.” The Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress has recently launched a new webpage …
For those of you who closely observe In Custodia Legis, you might have noticed that I recently updated my biography on the blog’s About page. I am now in the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the Library of Congress. I still work on Congress.gov, I just do it from a new location. We are in …
Today’s interview is with SooYun Cho, a foreign law intern at the Law Library of Congress. SooYun, who will be going back for her third and last year of law school at the University of Montreal this fall, is currently working with Nicolas Boring on research related to French speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born …