We are excited to announce the release of a new chatbot that can connect you to primary sources of law, Law Library research guides and our foreign law reports. The chatbot has a clickable interface that will walk you through a basic reference interview. Just click “get started,” respond “yes” or “no” to its questions, and then click on the buttons that are relevant to your needs. If you would like to return to the main menu, you can always type “start over.”

The chatbot can also respond to a limited number of text commands. Just type “list of commands” to view some examples. We plan to add to the chatbot’s vocabulary based on user interaction logs, particularly whenever a question triggers the default response, which directs the user to our Ask A Librarian service. To give the chatbot a try, head over to our Facebook page and click the blue “Send Message” button.

Comments (5)
How can i contact Author of one of the articles?
The article was written about a legal matter that i advocated in my country.
Thanks in advance.
Hello, please send your question to our Ask A Librarian service and mention the jurisdiction you are interested in and we will put you in touch with the right person. https://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-law2.html
I can’t seem to find the chatbot on the facebook page because there is no option to message the library of congress facebook page. I hope I’m not misunderstanding! I want to check it out!
Hello, the chatbot is attached to the Law Library of Congress Facebook page. If you visit the Facebook page, you can click on “send message” to interact with chatbot in Facebook messenger. Here is the address: http://www.facebook.com/lawlibraryofcongress