This is a guest post by Hazel Ceron, external relations intern with the Law Library of Congress. On October 26th, the Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with the Friends of the Law Library of Congress, the Embassy of Tunisia, and the Library’s African and Middle Eastern Division (AMED), hosted a book talk on The Santillana …
The following is reposted from the Library of Congress blog. This is a guest post by Sue Siegel, director of development for the Library. The Library is one of the greatest gifts the United States Congress has given to the American people. Its support provides a foundation of excellence in collecting, preserving and providing access …
Today’s interview is with University of California Washington Center (UCDC) intern, Elizabeth Graber, who is with the Law Library for the fall semester. Describe your background. I grew up in Capistrano Beach, California, a small beach town between San Diego and Los Angeles. My mom works as a school teacher and my dad as a …
Today’s interview is with Samantha Seto, who worked as an intern with the Digital Resources Division this past summer. Describe your background. I am from the suburbs of Florida–the beautiful lands of Tampa Palms. I grew up in a home on a cul-de-sac near a lake and woods filled with deer and evergreen trees. My …
On this day 196 years ago, September 15, 1821, the Acta de Independencia de Centro América declared independence from Spain for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
This is a guest post by Jeff Harris, Presidential Management Fellow. Jeff previously wrote about the Right of Publicity for College Athletes in Video Games. I’m not a math person (though I did get a 100 on my senior year high school calculus final), but I can still appreciate the importance of numbers. Though it is …
Describe your background. I was born and raised in the greater area of Los Angeles, California. As a daughter of Salvadorian parents who fled El Salvador’s civil war to start a new life, I had the great fortune of growing up in a small, but close family that fostered humility and a high regard for …
The Law Library staged a mock appeal for the Shakespearean character, Shylock, from the play, The Merchant of Venice. A full re-cap of the mock trial (including video!) is forthcoming, but we wanted to quickly share with you a scene from …
Today’s interview is with Law Librarian Kirstin Nelson, a contractor on assignment at our sister institution the National Agricultural Library. Kirstin helped edit Congressional committee information at the Wikipedia edit-a-thon held at the Library in April. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Nebraska. In early childhood, I lived on the western side …