The following is a guest post by Marie-Philippe Lavoie, an intern who worked with Tariq Ahmad in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress this summer. The globalization of business has allowed multinational corporations to conduct economic activities that transcend national boundaries. These activities have had both a positive and a negative impact …
Today’s interview is with SooYun Cho, a foreign law intern at the Law Library of Congress. SooYun, who will be going back for her third and last year of law school at the University of Montreal this fall, is currently working with Nicolas Boring on research related to French speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born …
We recently published a report that surveys laws criminalizing blasphemy, defaming religion, harming religious feelings and other similar acts in seventy-seven jurisdictions around the world. The report includes a map showing the different regions of the world covered in the report. Reports such as this one, which survey a geographically, economically, and politically diverse group of countries, …