This following is a guest post by Sayuri Umeda, a foreign law specialist who covers Japan and various other countries in East and Southeast Asia. She has previously written posts for In Custodia Legis on various topics, including English translations of post-World War II South Korean laws, laws and regulations passed in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and …
On October 31, 2017, the World Bank released the fifteenth edition of its Doing Business report, subtitled “Reforming to Create Jobs.” As with the fourteenth edition, New Zealand was given the highest “ease of doing business” ranking among 190 countries. The report explains that “[t]he overall measure of the ease of doing business gives an …
As part of our latest enhancements, we are excited to provide access to House Communications transmitted from January 6, 2015-present (since the 114th Congress convened). House Communications frequently consist of petitions by state and local officials, memorials, messages from the President, and reports submitted to the House by executive agencies that are sometimes required by federal …
A couple of years ago, I attended two separate marriage ceremonies for the same couple. The couple, now happily married, consisted of a Jewish American-Israeli dual national and a British national of Indian Hindu descent. The Hindu wedding that took place in the United Kingdom was fascinating for me; it being the first, and so far …
The Library of Congress 17th annual National Book Festival kicks off at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 2 in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Law Library of Congress staff are delighted once again to have an opportunity to discuss our legal collection and services, and share a number of family-friendly activities with festival attendees. …
A few years ago, Andrew mentioned the possibility of adding a page where users could browse by jurisdiction among our different content types. Our content types include In Custodia Legis, the Guide to Law Online, the Global Legal Monitor, Legal Reports, and other content materials such as research guides. We are adding more content in …
Today’s interview is with SooYun Cho, a foreign law intern at the Law Library of Congress. SooYun, who will be going back for her third and last year of law school at the University of Montreal this fall, is currently working with Nicolas Boring on research related to French speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born …
Today’s interview is with Nezihe Fazilet. Nezihe is a Law Library foreign law consultant in the Global Legal Research Directorate at the Law Library of Congress. Describe your background I was born in Kayseri, Turkey into a traditional Turkish family and lived there until I graduated from high school. Then my family moved to Ankara, the capital …