There were more than 200 new posts published on In Custodia Legis during 2017. As usual, these were written by multiple authors from the different parts of the Law Library of Congress. The blog team has representatives from our team of reference librarians, our foreign law specialists, staff who manage our physical and digital collections, and those who work on events and outreach. A number of guest bloggers also contributed interesting posts, and we published interviews with various interns and staff too.
The subject matter of the posts reflected the diverse interests and expertise of our authors. For example, we published posts about Fabiano paper in the Library of Congress; animals on trial; the adjudication of potentially unlawful shootings by members of the military; the first Form 1040; mythology, culture, and law in the South Pacific; researching EU law; the law that extinguished the authority of the Pope in England; the calculation of degrees of kinship under Chinese law; a podcast about the resources available at the Law Library of Congress; the 2017 Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence; and a post about Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Ralph Bunche.
We hope you enjoyed reading the posts as much as we enjoyed writing them! We learn a lot in the process of sharing knowledge and information in our posts.
If you missed some posts you can catch up by browsing through the different months and categories, or even by looking at what particular authors have contributed. The following were the posts that received the most views in 2017:
- How to Download Your Search Results
- Elbridge Gerry and the Monstrous Gerrymander
- Download Search Results and Advanced Search Enhancements – 2017 Spring Cleaning
A number of our older posts also remained popular (many of which were on this list last year as well), with people apparently coming across them through online searches or through links from other sites. These included:
- The Articles of Confederation: The First Constitution of the United States
- My Beloved Eliza: The Final Letters of Alexander Hamilton to his Wife
- How to Locate Free Case Law on the Internet
- Frequent Reference Question: How Many Federal Laws Are There?
- Civil War Conscription Laws
- So, You’ve Been Challenged to a Duel. What Are the Rules?
- Slavery in the French Colonies: Le Code Noir (the Black Code) of 1685
- Women in History: Lawyers and Judges
- Before Brown v. Board of Education there was Mendez v. Westminster
- Legal Drafting: A Beginners Guide
We’re looking forward to finding many more interesting law-related topics to write about in 2018! Subscribe to the blog or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see what we come up with. You can also give us your thoughts and ideas through any of those social media channels.