The theme of our recent Law Day celebration focused on the separation of powers. Law Librarian of Congress Jane Sánchez interviewed American Bar Association President Hilarie Bass about her work and the importance of the separation of powers in the United States Constitution. President Bass began by discussing her legacy, explaining that she wants to explore ways to make the legal profession a more welcoming profession for diverse attorneys. She also emphasized the need to bridge the justice gap by exploring innovative methods of providing access to justice for those who are unable to afford an attorney. Turning to the separation of powers, President Bass emphasized the need to improve civics education in the United States in order to raise awareness of the role the separation of powers plays in animating the system of checks and balances in our constitutional structure. She spoke about the importance of the legal profession in advocating for an independent judiciary.
Inspired by President Bass’s emphasis on the need for civics education, the Law Library of Congress has added several videos related to civics to the Bringing Congress to the Classroom site, a page dedicated to improving knowledge of American government, particularly the legislative branch, among K-12 students. These videos focus on topics such as American constitutional law, the founding fathers, and the inspiration for American constitutional rights, including the Magna Carta.