This year marks the 13th National Caribbean American Heritage Month, which acknowledges and honors the contributions Caribbean Americans are making to American society. At the Law Library, we take the opportunity during these commemorative months to review our holdings in the related jurisdictions. The Caribbean is a term for the area that comprises nearly twenty-five sovereign territories, overseas departments, and dependencies in the Caribbean Sea basin, so there is a lot of territory to cover.
As we discussed in a previous blog post, the Law Library staff is continually evaluating its Caribbean law resources and updating them as quickly as our vendors can procure the resources. Not much law is published in the region comparatively speaking, and recent environmental events have made acquisitions there challenging. One of the easiest ways to check for the most recent update to law in Caribbean jurisdictions is to look at the consolidated indices of statutes and subsidiary legislation published by various legal specialists in the Caribbean. The Law Library holds a number of those indices. We have gotten a few new primary source titles in the last year, and we are always getting new secondary sources. The following bibliography is a sampling of some title updates and some of our recent finds from Caribbean jurisdictions.

K 3.A6987 Caribbean Law Review
K103.D57 A26 2012 Abogacía y derecho: gestión de conflictos jurídicos.
KGA38.B44 List of Acts Published in …. Belize
KGA58 .B45 Statutory Instruments of Belize
KGJ22.A2 W47 The West Indian reports.
KGJ962.A52 C37 Caribbean Criminal Law Digest
KGJ7004.A54 Official gazette of Anguilla.
KGJ7009.2 2001 Statutes and regulations of Anguilla.
KGK4.A584 The Antigua and Barbuda official gazette.
KGL9.B34 The statute law of the Bahamas, 1799-
KGL11.A22 The subsidiary legislation of the Bahamas, 1799-2000: in force on the 2nd April, 2002.
KGL4011.A23 Acts & statutory instruments & (imperial legislation) of the Virgin Islands.
KGL5143.N86 2016 Nunez-Tesheira, Karen. Commonwealth Caribbean family law: husband, wife and cohabitant.
KGM13.A24 The Cayman Islands law reports.
KGN3029 .P47 2017 Pérez Llody, Luis Alberto. Derecho de resistencia y revolución en Cuba.
KGP38.A312001 M87 2016 Murray, Mirto F. Parlementaire geschiedenis van het Curaçaose Burgerlijk Wetboek: tekst en toelichting op het Burgerlijk Wetboek.
KGV403.6.P84 Código civil de Puerto Rico comentado.
KGW2004.S25 Saint Kitts and Nevis. Official gazette.
KGW3008.A23 Saint Lucia. Acts and statutory instruments for the year … with table showing the effect of the legislation.
KGW3009.2 2001 Laws of Saint Lucia. 2001 rev. ed.
KGW5010.5.S25 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines consolidated index of statutes and subsidiary legislation to …
KGX9.2 2006 The laws of Trinidad and Tobago.
KGZ8.A23 United States Virgin Islands. Session laws of the Virgin Islands.
KGZ9.2 1957 United States Virgin Islands. Virgin Islands code, annotated.