At the end of July, Andrew wrote about the updates to, which included enhancements to House committee search functionality; adding a legislative interest column to the House: Legislation with Actions Related to Committees browse page; and the ability to search on legislative interest from the Committees section of the Advanced Search page. Adrienne provides more detail on this in the search tip below.
In this release, we have improved the functionality of the Presented to the President feature on the homepage. Under the Recent section on the homepage, the Presented to the President search results list now includes measures that have been presented to the president, but have not yet been signed by the president.
You can access legislation that was recently presented to the President on
Enhancement – “Presented to President” on homepage links to improved list
From the Recent section on the homepage, the Presented to Presidentsearch results list includes measures presented to the president but not yet signed by the president.
Enhancement – Nominations – Display of multiple committee names
Committees are displayed in referral date order for nominations referred to more than one committee.
From the Committees section of the Browse page, committee reports labels are changed to House Reports and Senate Reports.
Executive Reports are no longer included in count of Senate Reports.
Search Tip
Adrienne continues to bring us great search tips–this time on how to search for legislative interest by a House committee using the Legislation Advanced Search form.
You can now use the Legislation Advanced Search form to find measures in which a House committee has expressed legislative interest, in addition to Referral, Hearings by, Markup, Reported by, Reported Original Measure, and Discharge. Legislative interest is a label used by House committees to identify bills that haven’t been formally referred to the committee, but in which the committee expresses interest. Committee staff may informally contribute to such legislation.In some cases, the legislation may ultimately be referred to the committee for consideration of provisions that fall within the committee’s jurisdiction.
You can search for measures in which a House committee has expressed legislative interest using the Legislation Advanced Search form.
Try out this search for 113th Congress measures in which the House Homeland Security Committee expressed legislative interest. (Click Edit Search in the upper right corner to see search parameters in the form.)
From the Legislation Advanced Search form, under the Congress section, make sure that only the 113th Congress is selected. (The current congress is selected by default.)
Use the Committees section jump link on the right side of the form to navigate to the Committees section, or scroll down.
Under the Committees section, all committee-related activity check boxes are selected by default. Uncheck Any to remove all of the selections with one click.
Select the check box for Legislative Interest.
Select the Choose House Committees button to open a full list of House committees.
From the list of committees, select the check box for the Homeland Security Committee.
Select Apply to return to the form. The committee selection appears on the right side of the form under the heading Your Selections.