When Congress passed the Library of Congress’ budget (H.R.5895) for FY2019, H. Rept. 115-696—LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2019—included the following language related to Congress.gov:
Congress.gov Calendar: Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Library of Congress and the Government Publishing Office shall update the Congress.gov website to include a calendar for Senate and House of Representatives committee hearings and markups. That calendar, updated continuously as new information is available, shall include at least the following information about every hearing and markup taking place in the Senate and House of Representatives: the committee name; the subcommittee name (if appropriate); the meeting topic; witnesses (if any); legislation under consideration (if any); a link to legislation under consideration (if any); a link to the committee or subcommittee’s website; and a link to where video or audio (if any) from the proceedings are or will become available. The calendar shall be organized chronologically, and viewable as an individual day as well as a weekly view.
We have started to prepare for this new calendar. We also updated the Calendars and Schedules page to include committee schedule links.

Stay tuned for the new Committee Schedule page! We plan to release an initial version and continue to refine it like we do with the rest of Congress.gov. Follow updates here on In Custodia Legis or the Congress.gov Enhancements page.