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Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Judicial Combat – Barbarous Relic or Timeless Litigation Strategy?

Posted by: Robert Brammer

This post is coauthored by Nathan Dorn, rare book curator, and Robert Brammer, senior legal information specialist. You are sure to hear “Objection!” shouted in the context of any legal drama. But what are they objecting to, and more importantly, on what basis? In modern jurisprudence, the rules of evidence are paramount to trying a case. Deciding whether evidence is …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Why March 4 used to be important in the United States

Posted by: Jim Martin

This year my March 4 was a rather uneventful day.  That may have been the case for most of you, but this wasn’t always so for American government.  Until the ratification of the 20th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States in 1933, each congress began on March 4 of the year following the …