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Archive: 2018 (171 Posts)

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols New, Tip, and Top for December 2018

Posted by: Andrew Weber

Robert shared last month about the new subcommittee features and other enhancements.  In September, he announced the Chrome extension.  We have now updated the Chrome extension.  You can download the new version from LC Labs.  Be sure to share your feedback. New Enhancements for November 2018 We are continuing to work on the new Committee …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf – Finnish Forest and Forestry Laws

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

Today, December 6, marks Independence Day in Finland. Although Finland is known as “the land of a thousand lakes,” it is also the most heavily-forested country in Europe. Around 72% of Finland’s land area is covered by forests, whereas 10% of the country is covered by lakes. With 60% of Finnish forests being classified as privately-owned forests, it …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

National Cookie Day – What Constitutes Butter?

Posted by: Margaret Wood

At the October blog team meeting, I was encouraged to write something about National Cookie Day, which is celebrated on December 4th.  I thought one of my colleagues who likes to eat the cookies I bake might be better placed to write on this topic but instead the team elected me. So, as this is a …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

National Transportation Safety Board Documents Digitized

Posted by: Jennifer González

The Law Library of Congress has digitized a collection of National Transportation Safety Board decisions, orders, and petitions. The years of the decisions span from 1973-1982, with the majority falling between 1977 and 1981. Other decisions can be found on the N.T.S.B.’s Document Management System. The National Transportation Safety Board (N.T.S.B.) conducts independent accident investigations …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Centennial of the Danish – Icelandic Union Act of 1918

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

Tomorrow, November 30, 2018, marks the centennial of the signing of the Danish-Icelandic Forbundslov (Danish-Icelandic Union Act), which entered into force the following day on December 1, 1918. Iceland—originally a Norwegian province—had been a part of Denmark ever since Norway became a part of Denmark in the 14th century under Queen Margaret I. It remained part of Denmark …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

FALQ’s: The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada

Posted by: Jenny Gesley

The following is a guest post by Sarah Ettedgui, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, who worked as foreign law intern this past summer with foreign law specialist Nicolas Boring at the Global Legal Research Directorate, Law Library of Congress. This blog post is part of our Frequently Asked Legal Questions series. On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, Canada’s first legal marijuana dispensaries opened their doors …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Human Rights Day Panel: Repatriating Native American Cultural Property and Remains

Posted by: Kelly McKenna

On Monday, December 10th, 2018, the Law Library of Congress invites you to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the UN adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a panel discussion, “Repatriating Native American Cultural Property and Remains.” Repatriation is the process whereby specific kinds of American Indian cultural items in a museum collection are …