In January, Robert announced the first version of the new Committee Schedule that we have been working on. It is a great way to see quickly which meetings and hearings the House and Senate committees have scheduled for the week.
New Enhancements for February 2019
You can find all of the Enhancements for February and before on our site. What is new this month?
Enhancement – Chamber of Origin filter – Open by default
- The Chamber of Origin filter on search results has been moved higher on the page and is open by default so you can quickly limit your results to measures from one chamber.

Search Tip
The week’s search tip is how to “Modify Saved Searches for a New Congress.”
This week, our tip focuses on easy ways to modify your saved searches to have them run against the new congress, and to continue to receive alerts for those searches.
- Log into your account, using the red Sign In link at the top right of the homepage.
- Go to your Saved Searches page. On the Saved Search that you want to modify, select Edit Search. This will open the search form.
- On the search form, switch the Congress by unchecking the prior Congress and checking the new one. Then click Search.
- On the search results page, notice the result set and new result count. Also notice (Edited) next to your saved search name. Click on Save this Search to save the changes, and click the Save button on the pop-up box to save the search.
- A pop-up box appears asking you to confirm if you want to overwrite the existing saved search. Click Yes to save your old search with the new Congress selection.
Your modified saved search is now saved in your Saved Searches page, the search will now run against the new Congress, and you will continue to receive alerts about any activity on your search in the new Congress.
A note - if you do not already have a account set up, and would like to create one to save and receive alerts on your searches, you can go to to create your account. Detailed instructions are available at:
Most Viewed Bills
For the week of February 3, 2019, the latest Most-Viewed Bills on include the following.
1. | H.R.790 [116th] | Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Fairness Act of 2019 |
2. | H.R.1 [116th] | For the People Act of 2019 |
3. | H.J.Res.28 [116th] | Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 |
4. | S.1 [116th] | Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 |
5. | H.R.1 [115th] | An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. |
6. | S.66 [116th] | Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 |
7. | H.R.8 [116th] | Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 |
8. | H.R.420 [116th] | Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act |
9. | H.R.25 [116th] | FairTax Act of 2019 |
10. | H.R.648 [116th] | Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 |
If you have any comments or feedback on, please feel free to share it with us.