Our latest Congress.gov release concerns a lot of work on back end infrastructure that is being built to support future enhancements, such as adding new collections and alerts to the site. Since this work concerns building support for future alerts, I thought this would be a good opportunity to review the many alerts that Congress.gov currently offers.
Member profile page alerts. If you click “get alerts” at the top of a member profile page, you will receive an email each time a member sponsors or cosponsors a piece of legislation.
Saved search alerts. You can choose to save a search, and then choose to receive email alerts when there has been a change to your results set. Also, if you perform your search from the legislation homepage search form or the advanced search form, you can track specific changes to legislation.
Bill activity alerts. If you click “get alerts” at the top of the page for a bill that is in the current Congress, and which has not yet passed both chambers of Congress, you will receive an email each time there is activity on a bill or a new summary.

Congressional Record alerts. If you choose to get an alert from the Congressional Record, you will be alerted by email whenever a new issue of the Congressional Record is available.
Committee Schedule alerts. You can click “get weekly alerts” at the top of a committee schedule page and receive an email every Monday with the committee schedule for the coming week.

Nomination alerts. You can click “get alerts” on a nomination to receive an email when new actions are taken on a nomination.
In addition to email alerts, Congress.gov offers a variety of RSS feeds that will let you know what the top ten, most-viewed bills are for a given week; what is on the House and Senate floor for a given day; when a bill is presented to the president for a signature; when new features are added to Congress.gov; and more.