The following is a guest post by Graciela Rodriguez-Ferrand, a foreign law specialist who covers Spain, Argentina, and other countries in South America.
As a foreign law specialist for the Law Library of Congress covering most of South America, I thought a blog post on legal resources concerning the Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) (Southern Common Market) might be helpful.
The Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) (Southern Common Market) is a regional integration process created by a treaty signed in 1991 in Asunción, Paraguay, by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and later joined by Venezuela, whose membership is currently suspended for violation of the democratic commitment under the 1998 Ushuaia Protocol. Bolivia is still in the process of accession. In addition to state parties, MERCOSUR has associated states, which have signed trade agreements with MERCOSUR, such as Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname. Associate status allows participation in meetings of the bloc and trade preferences with MERCOSUR member countries.
MERCOSUR aims to promote a common market to generate business and investment through the integration of member countries’ economies. The integration process has resulted in a number of bilateral and multilateral agreements with other countries and organizations.
The main objectives of MERCOSUR are:
- Free circulation of goods and services among member states through the elimination of customs tariffs and non-tariff restrictions;
- Establishment of a common external tariff and the adoption of a common trade policy with respect to non-party states or blocs of states as well as the coordination of a common position in international and regional economic and trade forums;
- Coordination of macroeconomic and sectoral policies by party states, such as agriculture, industrial, tax, monetary, foreign exchange, and capital markets, services, customs, transportation and communication, among others, in order to achieve a fair competition level among the member states;
- Commitment by state parties to the harmonization of national legislation in the trade related areas in order to strengthen the integration process.
MERCOSUR official languages are Spanish, Guaraní and Portuguese.
MERCOSUR has its headquarters in Asunción, Paraguay.
MERCOSUR has its own emblem and flag.
In addition to the Asunción Treaty creating the MERCOSUR, the following instruments have been adopted, completing the foundational framework of MERCOSUR:
- Protocolo de Ouro Preto, Dec. 17, 1994 (Adicional al Tratado de Asunción sobre la Estructura Institucional del MERCOSUR) providing for the institutional organization of MERCOSUR;
- Protocolo de Ushuaia sobre Compromiso Democrático en el MERCOSUR, la República de Bolivia y la República de Chile, Jul. 24, 1998;
- Protocolo de Olivos para la Solución de Controversias en el MERCOSUR, Feb. 18, 2002;
- Protocolo de Asunción sobre Compromiso con la Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos en el MERCOSUR, Jun. 20, 2005;
- Protocolo Constitutivo del Parlamento del MERCOSUR, Dec. 9, 2005;
Some of the additional regulatory instruments include:
- Protocolo de Cooperación y Asistencia Jurisdiccional en Materia Civil, Comercial, Laboral y Administrativa, Jun. 27, 1992;
- Protocolo Relativo al Código Aduanero del Mercosur, Dec. 16, 1994;
- Protocolo de Armonización de Normas sobre Propiedad. Intelectual en Materia de Marcas, Indicaciones de Procedencia y Denominaciones de Origen, Aug. 5, 1995;
- Acuerdo de Arbitraje Comercial Internacional del MERCOSUR, Jul. 23, 1998;
- Acuerdo para la Creación de un Área de Libre Comercio entre MERCOSUR y Sudáfrica, Dec. 15, 2000;
- Acuerdo contra el Tráfico Ilicito de Migrantes entre los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR, la República de Bolivia y la República de Chile, Dec. 16, 2004;
Democracy and economic development are the pillars on which MERCOSUR is founded. In pursuit of these principles, MERCOSUR engages in programs that address a number of issues affecting the population of its member countries, such as human rights, health care, agriculture, gender, culture, education, and social matters.
MERCOSUR has a deliberative body, called Parlasur (Parliament of the MERCOSUR), a Tribunal Permanente de Revisión (Tribunal for the Settlement of Disputes) and its own financing fund, the Fondo para la Convergencia Estructural del MERCOSUR (Fund for the Structural Convergence) (FOCEM).
MERCOSUR covers a territory of almost 5.8 million square miles and a population of over 295 million people.
Bibliographic Resources
Library of Congress legal resources on MERCOSUR are available in the following languages:
- Competition Law and Policy in Latin America : Recent Developments, Paulo Burnier da Silveira (eds) (2017)
- Rethinking Free Trade, Economic Integration and Human Rights in the Americas, María Belén Olmos Giupponi (2017)
- Competition Law : Mercosur, Liliana Bertoni (2014)
- Primacía y Efecto Directo en el Derecho del Mercosur, Ramiro Albarracín Makantassis (2018)
- Homenaje por los 25 años de la Firma del Tratado de Asunción, Asociación de Diplomáticos Escalafonados de Paraguay (2016)
- Cuestiones Actuales de Derecho Civil en Materia de Familia, Sucesiones, Propiedad y Responsabilidad, Centro de Estudios de Derecho Comparado (CEDECO) Jorge Rodríguez Russo (coord.) (2015)
- Constitución y Sustrato Sociocultural del Mercosur, Luis María Rey (2016)
- Constitución, integración y Mercosur en Venezuela, Jorge Luis Suárez Mejías (2016)
- Derecho de la Integración y Relaciones Laborales, Héctor Babace (2015)
- Protección Supranacional de la Democracia en Suramérica : un Estudio sobre el Acervo del Ius Constitutionale Commune, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi (2015)
- Cuestiones Relativas al Derecho de Familia, Centro de Estudios de Derecho Comparado en el Mercosur, Dora Bagdassarián & Arturo Yglesias (coord.) (2014)
- Tratado de Derecho de Integración, Patricio A. Maraniello & Silvia N. Cohn (2014)
- MERCOSUR : Breve Historia, Cronología y Marco Institucional, Gerardo Caetano (2011)
- Latinoamérica Documentos Constitutivos : MERCOSUR, UNASUR, ALBA, CELAC, PETROCARIBE, LITORAL BOLIVIANO, Celso Montaño Balderrama (2014)
- Solución de Controversias en el Mercosur : Análisis de Resultados 2004-2011 desde una Perspectiva Jurídico-Política, Magdalena Bas Vilizzio (2013)
- Cooperação Jurídica no Mercosul : Nascimento de um Direito Processual Civil Mercosurenho, Renata Alvares Gaspar (2014)
- Direito do Mercosul, Elisa de Sousa Ribeiro (coord.) (2013)
- Direito público no Mercosul : Intervenção Estatal, DireitosFfundamentais e Sustentabilidade : Anais do VI Congresso da Associação de Direito Público do Mercosul : Homenagem ao Professor Jorge Luis Salomoni, Romeu Felipe Bacellar Filho & Daniel Wunder Hachem (coord.); coordenadores
Non-legal bibliographical resources on the MERCOSUR in the Library of Congress collection include:
- Mercosur and the European Union: Variation and Limits of Regional Integration, Mikhail Mukhametdinov (2018)
- Latin American Unification : a History of Political and Economic Integration Efforts, Salvador Rivera (2014)
- Pensar el Mercosur desde lo Cultural : Aspectos Filosóficos, Antropológicos y Linguísticos, Abel Sebastián Forelli Alvarez (2019)
- Perspectivas de la Integración Regional, Marina Guarrochena de Arjol (comp.) (2018)
- Articulación de mecanismos de integración de América Latina y el Caribe, Marcelo Valle Fonrouge (2018)
- El Mercosur y la Unión Europea ante los Desafíos de la Integración : Aspectos Técnicos y Estratégicos de la Relación Inter-Bloques, Daniel Eduardo Martínez (comp.)
- Estrategias de Inserción Internacional e Integración Latinoamericana en el Siglo XXI, Noemí B. Mellado (eds) (2015)
- Socios en la Integración Productiva : la Estrategia Asociativa de las Empresas en el Mercosur, Pablo Trucco (ed.) (2015)
- La Estrategia Comercial de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea con América Latina : Impactos para el MERCOSUR, Ignacio Bartesaghi Hierro (2015)
- La Integración Regional en América Latina : ¿quo vadis? : el Mercosur desde una Perspectiva Sectorial y Comparada, Mercedes Botto (2015)
- Regionalismo Latinoamericano : Dimensiones Actuales, Noemí B. Mellado (eds.) (2014)
- 10 Años de Investigaciones Económicas en la Red MERCOSUR : [1998-2008], Red de Investigaciones Económicas del Mercosur (2008).
Internet Resources
- Newsletter of the Tribunal de Revisión
- MERCOSUR publications
- Instituto de Políticas Públicas del Mercosur;
- Mercosur in the Organization of American States Foreign Trade Information System SICE)
- Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
- Mercosur Related Links
- Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
- Observatorio América Latina Asia Pacífico
- Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI)
- ALADI Library
- Guide to Mercosur Legal Research (2018) Globalex, New York University
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Argentina
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Brazil
- Revista del Parlamento del Mercosur