The Law Library of Congress and the American Bar Association will present the Law Day 2020 program, “Social Movement Changing America: The Legacies of the 19th Amendment,” on Thursday, April 30, at 3:30 p.m. EST. This event will be presented as a digital program.
Register via this ticketing site to view the event. After registration, you will receive a link to the webpage broadcasting the live event.
Law Day is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law and an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process protect liberty and promote justice. This year’s Law Day theme–“Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy: The 19th Amendment at 100”–dovetails with the Library of Congress’ exhibition, Shall Not Be Denied: Women Fight for the Vote, which celebrates the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
The event will be a moderated panel discussion, with Kimberly Atkins –senior news correspondent, WBUR-Boston and contributor, MSNBC–as the moderator. Panelists include: Martha S. Jones, Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor and Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University; Thomas Saenz, president/general counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; and Julie Suk, dean and professor of sociology, City University of New York Graduate Center.
Comments (2)
What types of virtual activities are available for youth in light of COVID-19 school closures?
Thanks for your question! The Library of Congress has a new resource page, https://loc.gov/engage, where parents can find kid-friendly resources from the collection.