Over the past few months we have announced upcoming webinars in individual blog posts. We are switching things up a little and announcing all U.S. law webinars in one blog post for the month of August. We will continue notifying you about individual foreign law webinars, such as the upcoming presentation on global regulation of artificial intelligence, and other Law Library events. You can also learn about our upcoming programs by visiting the Legal Research Institute.

Orientation to Legal Research: US Case Law
Date: Thursday, August 20, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Content: An overview of U.S. case law research, including information about the U.S. federal court system, the publication of court opinions, methods for researching case law, and information about locating records and briefs.
Instructor: Ann Hemmens – Senior Legal Reference Librarian. Ann holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois, and earned both her JD and Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Registration: Please register online by clicking here.
Orientation to Law Library Collections
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Content: Introduces participants to information about the Law Library’s wide range of online resources, as well as our print collections.
Instructor: Margaret M. Wood – Senior Legal Reference Librarian. Margaret holds a BA from Oberlin College and a Master of Science in Library Science from the Catholic University of America.
Registration: Please register online online by clicking here.