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Join Us for Our Second All-Virtual Herencia Transcribe-a-thon on October 7th!

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[Family Tree] Additional brief on behalf the community of Tarrega […] concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Luis Bertrán. Herencia, Briefs: Wills, Trusts, Inheritances and Gifts, 16th-17th Centuries, Phase 2, October 2020
[Click here for the Spanish version of this post/Haz clic aquí para la versión en español.]

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, and the release of Phase 2 of our crowdsourcing campaign, Herencia, Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents, the Law Library of Congress will be hosting another entirely virtual Transcribe-a-thon on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.  This event is in collaboration with By the People, the Hispanic Division, Latin American, and Western European Division (ALAWE) of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate.

Beginning at 8:00 a.m. EDT, participants are encouraged to transcribe, review, and tag documents from the collection, which contains print and manuscript documents from Spain from the 15th through the 19th centuries. Phase 2 comprises another third of the total collection and will include seven new projects for a total of nearly 900 additional unique documents in Spanish, Latin, and Catalan. With this second phase, transcribers and reviewers can expect to see many projects from the Briefs and Notarial Instruments subsections of the collection, which include a range of documents dealing with criminal cases, family and domestic matters, ecclesiastical law and jurisdiction, and tax collection.

Brief on behalf José Alviac de Pedro […] versus the Fiscal Prosecutor, concerning criminal charges against plaintiff for the murder of Joaquín Aguilár of the same village of Maella on September 8, 1775. [January 26, 1785]. Herencia, Briefs: Criminal Cases, Phase 2, October 2020
During the Transcribe-a-thon, staff from the Law Library of Congress and the Hispanic Division will hold two WebEx Office Hours sessions for volunteers to attend and ask questions about the collection and the transcription process. These will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT. In the spirit of the Herencia collection, staff will be available to provide assistance in both English and Spanish!

To register for the Office Hours, click here.

Throughout the day, you can ask questions, learn more about the collection with hourly updates, and engage with us from our Twitter accounts at @LawLibCongress and @CROWD_LOC. You can also join the conversation with fellow volunteers on our History Hub page.

In the meantime, you can also learn more about transcribing this historical collection by watching our previous Herencia webinars.


  1. These webinars are very interesting. Thank you very much.

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