Once again we are publishing a brief post with information about the webinars being presented by the Law Library’s Public Services Division staff in October 2020. We have three webinars this month, including an introduction to Congress.gov, the Library’s legislative website. We will continue to publish separate posts about upcoming Foreign and Comparative Law webinars and you can always visit our Legal Research Institute page for information on classes throughout the year.

Orientation to Legal Research: Tracing Federal Regulations
Date: Thursday, October 15, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT
Content: Provides participants with information about the notice-and-comment rulemaking process, including the publication and citation of federal regulations as well as exploring how to trace a federal regulation.
Instructor: Ann Hemmens – senior legal reference librarian. Ann holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois, and earned both her JD and Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Registration: Please register online by clicking here.
Orientation to Law Library Collections
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT
Content: Introduces participants to information about the Law Library’s wide range of online resources, as well as our print collections.
Instructor: Margaret M. Wood – senior legal reference librarian. Margaret holds a BA in history from Oberlin College and a Master of Science in Library Science from the Catholic University of America.
Registration: Please register online by clicking here.
Congress.gov Webinar
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT
Content: Provides a basic overview of Congress.gov with a demonstration on general searching and information on setting up alerts for legislation, members and saved searches. Recent enhancements to Congress.gov will also be covered such as the addition of hearing transcripts and the bound Congressional Record.
Instructors: Barbara Bavis and Robert Brammer. Barbara is the bibliographic and research instruction librarian at the Law Library. She holds a BA in history from Duke University, a JD from the University of North Carolina School of Law, and an Master of Science in Library and Information Science with a specialization in law librarianship from Catholic University Robert is the chief of the Law Library’s Office of External Relations. He holds a BA in political science from the University of Kentucky, a JD from Wayne State University, and a Master of Library Science from Florida State University.
Registration: Please register online by clicking here.