The Law Library of Congress is known for being the world’s largest law library, with a collection of over 2.9 million volumes spanning the ages and covering virtually every jurisdiction in the world. Its collection encompasses the largest and most comprehensive legal collection in the world. Our reading room contains legal treatises by subject, annotated …
Please join us for the Law Library's upcoming webinar: "Worlds Apart: Legal Responses to COVID-19 in New Zealand and Sweden" at 2 p.m. EDT on Thursday, September 24, 2020. This webinar is the latest installment in the Law Library's series of webinars focused on foreign and comparative law. In this webinar, we will discuss and compare the overarching policies and approaches of the two countries, outline the relevant laws, and a look at how the two governments have communicated with the public about the pandemic and the approaches taken.
The Law Library of Congress is excited to bring you a new series of webinars focused on foreign and comparative law. Our foreign legal specialists cover 267 jurisdictions around the world, providing Congress with expert advice in the form of foreign law reports as well as testimony before Congress, and we are pleased to bring their …
The following is a guest post by Steven Hughston Vasil, a 2020 summer intern working remotely with the Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress. He is a current graduate student pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science degree at the University of Maryland, College Park. On December 19, 1977, President Jimmy …
Yesterday, we published a list with the most viewed legal research reports of fiscal year 2020. Today, I bring you a new report that we recently published on our website: Civic Space Legal Framework in select countries.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines civic space as the “set of legal, policy, institutional, and …
Interested in what the Law Library does? This blog posts details our most read Global Legal Monitor articles and Legal Research Reports in fiscal year 2020.
This is a guest post by Elizabeth Boomer, an international law consultant in the Global Legal Research Directorate. Elizabeth has previously written for In Custodia Legis on Technology & the Law of Corporate Responsibility – The Impact of Blockchain, and the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Tomorrow, …