Please join us for the Law Library's upcoming webinar: "Worlds Apart: Legal Responses to COVID-19 in New Zealand and Sweden" at 2 p.m. EDT on Thursday, September 24, 2020. This webinar is the latest installment in the Law Library's series of webinars focused on foreign and comparative law. In this webinar, we will discuss and compare the overarching policies and approaches of the two countries, outline the relevant laws, and a look at how the two governments have communicated with the public about the pandemic and the approaches taken.
As we did in our July 2020 post, we will continue to list all upcoming U.S. law webinars for each month in one post, thus providing you with one-stop shopping! We will continue to post information separately about our foreign law webinars, such as the September webinar, Worlds Apart: Legal Responses to COVID-19 in New Zealand …
So far, Japan and South Korea’s COVID-19 infection and mortality rates are relatively low despite neither country having been locked down. Both countries had the first cases of infection very early, in mid-January. The measures the two countries took appear different. South Korea was widely regarded as a model country in combating the pandemic. South …
The Law Library of Congress is engaging in rapid digitization of many rare collection materials and historical U.S. Government documents, as well as its collection of original research on foreign, comparative, and international law topics for Congress and federal agencies. Staff from the Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress look forward to …
Currently, there is no known cure or vaccine for COVID-19. Countries therefore have to find other ways to control and mitigate the spread of this infectious disease in order to break the chain of human-to-human transmission. Many governments have turned to electronic measures to provide information to individuals about the COVID-19 pandemic, check symptoms,trace contacts …
This is a guest post by George Sadek, a foreign law specialist with the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. Islamic religious institutions, Ulema councils, and religious organizations in various Muslim countries around the world are playing a significant and complex role in reaction to governmental responses to the COVID-19 outbreak. …
This is a guest post by Anna Price, a legal reference librarian at the Law Library of Congress. The Law Library of Congress continues to expand its online educational opportunities through webinars on U.S. legal research strategies and contemporary foreign and comparative law issues. We invite you to attend our upcoming Orientation to Law Library Collections …
In celebration of the 220th birthday of the Library of Congress, the Law Library of Congress is proud to announce a new offering on designed to more quickly and easily connect patrons to our educational presentations and resources—the Law Library of Congress Legal Research Institute. On the Legal Research Institute homepage, users will see …