As announced at the Virtual Public Forum, we are excited to bring you more full-text access to legislation in the form of the United States Statutes at Large. Twenty years of law texts, dating from 1973-1994, are now easy to access from Law texts can be accessed from lists like Public Laws 103rd Congress (1993-1994) and from “Text” tabs for bills that have become law, such as H.J.Res.390, “Designating September 17, 1994, as “Constitution Day,” which became Public Law No: 103-464.

Enhancement – Legislation – Public Law Text
- Public law text has been added for 93rd – 103rd Congresses (1973-1994).
The addition of these public law texts, combined with our recent addition of back issues of the Bound Congressional Record, helps expand online access to historical legislative materials. Future phases of the Statutes at Large project will incorporate more historic law texts into, so stay tuned.