Next month, the Law Library of Congress Legal Research Institute will host U.S. law webinars on researching federal statutes, navigating, and utilizing the Law Library’s collections, including collections that can be accessed online. Information about the contents of each class can be found below. webinar Date: Thursday, May 6, 2:00 – 3:00 PM …
This interview is with Lindsay Braddy, section head of the Law Section of Library Services’ Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Directorate, U.S. Programs, Law & Literature Division. Lindsay is new to the Library, and she runs the section that is responsible for cataloging all new law titles. She and her staff make access to our collection …
In March 2021, the Law Library of Congress celebrated the first anniversary of the crowdsourcing campaign, Herencia: Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents. Herencia became the first ever crowdsourcing campaign in By the People in a language other than English. This rare collection of Spanish legal documents from the 15th to 19th centuries includes royal decrees, …
In honor of National Deaf History Month (March 13 – April 15), the Law Library of Congress is proud to share the history of the first university for deaf individuals through our collections. We recognize some of the terms used in these documents to describe the deaf community are pejoratives and we have modified the …
We previously published a blog post inspired by the recipes in The Congressional Club Cook Book, recognizing the life of former Senator Margaret Chase Smith (and her food). We are back with more recipes, but this time we are giving a nod to food holidays. Typically, in the United States, we associate April 15 with …
This is a guest post by George Sadek, a foreign law specialist with the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. George has contributed a number of posts to this blog, including posts on The Trial of Seif al Islam al Gaddafi, Controversy Over New Egyptian Law that Regulates the Construction of Churches, and …
The team has received feedback requesting that we add content from prior congresses to the Congressional Record and public law text collections. We are pleased to announce that we have made substantial progress on this request. The Bound Congressional Record collection now goes back to the 82nd Congress (1951-1953) and the full text of …
In April in Washington, D.C., residents and workers enjoy the coming of spring, cherry blossoms, Poetry Month and National Library Week. This week is a good time to reflect on the value that libraries provide to everyone, and to find a way to show love for our libraries. Here at the Law Library, we are …
The Law Library of Congress and the American Bar Association will present the Law Day 2021 program, “Advancing the Rule of Law Now: A Global Perspective,” on April 29th at 3:30 p.m. EDT. This event will be presented as a free, streaming program. Please click here to register. Law Day is a national day set aside to celebrate …