Whether you are a professional who uses Congress.gov each day in the course of your work or an engaged citizen who uses Congress.gov to stay up to date on the latest federal legislative information, we invite you to join us for the Congress.gov Virtual Public Forum on September 2nd from 1-4pm Eastern Time. Please register here.

During the forum, we will provide you with an update on the enhancements that have been made to the site over the past year and a preview of upcoming enhancements, many of which have been inspired by your feedback. You will also hear from our data partners, including the Government Publishing Office, on their efforts to modernize legislative data to make it more accessible. Most importantly, this forum is a listening session – we want to hear from you about your legislative information needs and how we can better serve them. If you would like to submit feedback ahead of the public forum, please use our Congress.gov Public Forum Survey Form.
Comments (3)
Added the Congress.gov Public Forum survey link on 8/10.
In terms of future enhancements will that include the posting of Dear Colleagues?
Thank you for your feedback. I will pass this along to our development team.