In last month’s release, we made it easier for users to search for historical congressional legislation, or more recent legislation, by grouping together those options through the use of checkboxes on the legislative quick search form and the advanced legislation search form. In our latest release, we are bringing you a similar enhancement in the form of a Legislation Date Range filter on legislation search result pages that will allow you to narrow your results to recent or historical legislation.
Work on enhancing access to the Bound Congressional Record continues. The Bound Congressional Record now provides coverage dating back to 1905 and the Congressional Record Appendix is now available, where applicable, from the Congressional Record Browse by Date page. Finally, now you can keep up with Congressional committee hearings and meetings by accessing a Committee Meeting Detail page, and clicking “add to my calendar” to add that meeting to your personal calendar. The full list of the enhancements for this release is available below.

Enhancement – Committee Schedule – Add to My Calendar
- Use the Add to My Calendar link from a meeting announcement page to download the meeting details to your personal calendar.
- The calendar event includes the meeting title, date, time, and location.
A link to the meeting announcement page on also is included so you can check for updates to the meeting details or for the addition of supporting documentation.
Enhancement – Legislation – New Filter
- Legislation search results include a Legislation Date Range filter to limit your results to one or more ranges of years, currently 1973-2022, 1951-1972, and 1799-1873. More will be added in the future.
- Historical legislation prior to 1973 is less complete. See About Legislation for more information.
Enhancement – Congressional Record – Bound Edition
- Appendices are available on the Browse by Date page.
- The Congressional Record Bound edition is now available for the 59th-60th Congresses (1905-1909).
Search Tip
Explore the updated United States Congressional Web Archive. This Library of Congress web archive includes member websites from the House of Representatives and Senate, as well as House and Senate Committee websites.
Most-Viewed Bills
These are the most-viewed bills for the week of October 31, 2021:
1. | H.R.3684 [117th] | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act |
2. | H.R.5376 [117th] | Build Back Better Act |
3. | H.Res.57 [117th] | Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. |
4. | H.R.1319 [117th] | American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 |
5. | H.R.4350 [117th] | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 |
6. | H.R.2377 [117th] | Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021 |
7. | H.R.3755 [117th] | Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 |
8. | H.R.1996 [117th] | SAFE Banking Act of 2021 |
9. | H.R.133 [116th] | Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 |
10. | H.R.2119 [117th] | Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021 |