Each year we continue to enhance and grow Congress.gov. Back in January 2013 we added the Congressional Record to the website. At the time, the Congressional Record only went back to 2011. If you look today, after we have methodically been adding previous Congresses of the Bound Congressional Record, it now goes back to 1899. …
Earlier this month, Robert shared news of the addition of the “Add to My Calendar” feature for upcoming committee hearings on Congress.gov. I have already used it several times to be reminded of when a hearing that I want to follow is scheduled. Congress.gov continues to grow with new material. If you had done a …
Congress.gov is constantly improving. We do releases approximately every three weeks to enhance the website and incorporate user feedback. There is a great new video highlighting 10 recent enhancements inspired by feedback. Watch the video below to learn what is new to the site and visit our Congress.gov Enhancement Timeline for more details. In addition …
Earlier this month, Margaret shared the exciting news that we added bills and resolutions from 1799-1873 to Congress.gov. There was also a press release to highlight this new feature of content from Century of Lawmaking. We previously added Key Word in Context (KWIC) to Legislative Text on the Quick Search Form. With today’s release we …
Today’s interview is with Willa Armstrong. Willa is a digital accessibility specialist in the Library of Congress. Describe your background. I knew I wanted to be in libraries for life so I went to graduate school to study information and library science. Afterwards, I did a stint in academic publishing; but I made my way back …
Earlier this month, Margaret wrote about the addition of citations to our share/save toolbar on Congress.gov. We also made it easier to see contact information for members. One of the areas we have focused on, behind the scenes, over the last year is to continue to enhance the historical content on Congress.gov. In February we …
Most of our Congress.gov posts focus on the enhancements which are part of our three week sprint cycles by which we release new material and upgrades to Congress.gov. However, sometimes I like to take a longer look back at the work we have done and provide a bigger snapshot of the Congress.gov enhancements. At the …