Top of page April 2022 New, Tip, and Top

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Last month Margaret shared our enhancements and also provided some insights from a few staff on what they do for the website. This month we continue to make it easier for you to track what your members are sponsoring and cosponsoring on When you put in your address to search for your members, you can select “Alerts for These Member.” Make sure you sign in if you have not already. Then you can select your representative and senators followed by “Confirm.” will then send morning and afternoon email alerts with any updates from the site regarding your members. Get Alerts for Members
After you search for your members you can select “Alerts for These Members” and quickly sign up.

We have also updated the Bound Congressional Record header to match the streamlined Daily Congressional Record. This helps bring the content of the PDF higher up on the page.

Screen shot of the new Bound Congressional Record header
The Bound Congressional Record has been condensed to match the Daily edition’s header


The April enhancements include the following:

Enhancement – Members – Alerts

  • Set up alerts on all of your members at once by using the Alerts for These Members link from any Find Your Members search results.
  • Alerts are sent when a member sponsors or cosponsors legislation.
  • Go to About Alerts for detailed instructions on managing your alerts.

Enhancement – Legislation Text – Search

Enhancement – Congressional Record – Improved Look

  • Congressional Record pages have a streamlined header, allowing for more content higher on the page. Tip

If one of the most-viewed bills below interests you, remember you can go to it and select “Get alerts” just under the title on the bill page. Then you can select what items you want to be sent email alerts for that bill.

Most-Viewed Bills

The following is the most-viewed bills list for the week of April 3, 2022.

1. H.R.3617 [117th] MORE Act
2. H.R.6833 [117th] Affordable Insulin Now Act
3. H.R.4521 [117th] America COMPETES Act of 2022
4. S.2992 [117th] American Innovation and Choice Online Act
5. H.R.55 [117th] Emmett Till Antilynching Act
6. S.3199 [117th] Ethiopia Peace and Democracy Promotion Act of 2021
7. H.R.6600 [117th] Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace, and Democracy Act
8. H.R.2471 [117th] Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022
9. H.R.3884 [117th] Philippine Human Rights Act
10. H.Res.57 [117th] Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

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Comments (2)

  1. Will there be an API for constituents when their district and/or representative is already known?

    • Thank you for your feedback. We will pass this along to our developers.

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