Today is the 247th birthday of the U.S. Army and Flag Day in the United States. We have covered the development of the U.S. Army and the history of Flag Day and the Flag Code in previous years. This year, we decided to celebrate with an update to our Military Legal Resources collection.

This collection comes from the digitization of some of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School’s physical collection from the William Winthrop Memorial Library. The Library of Congress has made it available for many years, but the collection found its new home this past February. We have created several finding and navigation aids, along with including the contextual information from the previous website, to make finding the information and collection items easier.

These finding aids mirror the organization of the collection before its move to the new site, and contain contextual information for the collections and items. The Index to Collections contains links to many of the popular collections within. We have also updated the collection with a few new items, particularly from the Civil War and will continue to add to the collection as we digitize more items.
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