In July, Andrew and Robert wrote respectively about feedback driven improvements and a new feature which allows users to download audio files for any section of the Congressional Record Daily Edition. This month, users will be able to find a prepopulated list of reports required by Congress under the Committees’ section of the Browse page. Simply click on the plus (+) sign for the Committees’ section and a list of various documents related to House and Senate committees will appear. These documents include committee reports and transcripts and , as a new category, Committee Activity Reports for each chamber which will list the reports required by each chamber during every Congress.

Enhancement – Browse – Committee Activity Reports
- Use the House and Senate Committee Activity Reports links in the Committees section of the Browse page to find reports required each Congress by the rules of the House and Senate chambers.
Enhancement – Member Names – Improved Format
- Legislation and Members search results display Member names last name first to make it easy to scan your results and to sort downloaded results. Tip has many prepopulated lists which are helpful ready reference resources. These includes the public laws list, the list of bills introduced in each Congress, and Yesterday in Congress which summarizes the actions takes on all bills, resolutions, and amendments in a day.
Most-Viewed Bills
The following are the most-viewed bills for the week of August 7, 2022.
1. | H.R.1808 [117th] | Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 |
2. | H.R.3967 [117th] | Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 |
3. | H.R.2908 [117th] | Childhood Offenders Rehabilitation and Safety Act of 2021 |
4. | S.3373 [117th] | Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 |
5. | S.437 [117th] | Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021 |
6. | H.R.5376 [117th] | Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 |
7. | S.3541 [117th] | Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Act |
8. | H.R.8404 [117th] | Respect for Marriage Act |
9. | H.R.4346 [117th] | Supreme Court Security Funding Act of 2022 |
10. | H.R.82 [117th] | Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 |
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