As much of the country returns to school in September, and the legislative summer recess comes to a close, the Law Library will be marking the month with more webinars on U.S., comparative, and foreign law topics. In September, the Law Library’s orientation webinar will give attendees an overview of the Law Library’s services and products. Additionally, we are pleased to continue with our series of U.S. law research webinars, with a class on researching U.S. case law.
More information about the Law Library’s upcoming U.S. law webinars and registration links can be found below.
Orientation to Legal Research: U.S. Case Law
Date: Thursday, September 8, 2022, 11:00 a.m. EDT – 12:00 p.m. EDT
Content: Provides participants with information about legal sources and research techniques regarding U.S. case law, including information about the U.S. federal court system, the publication of court opinions, methods for researching case law, and information about locating records and briefs.
Instructor: Jason Zarin – Legal Reference Specialist. Jason has a BA in economics from Tufts University, an MA in economics from UCLA, a JD from the University of Southern California, an LL.M. in taxation from Georgetown University, and a Masters of Science in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin.
Register here.
Orientation to Law Library Collections
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 1:00 p.m. EDT – 2:00 p.m. EDT
Content: This webinar provides information about the Law Library’s wide range of online resources, as well as our print collections. Some of the resources attendees will learn about include the Law Library’s research guides, digital collections, and the Guide to Law Online, among others.
Instructor: Anna Price – Senior Legal Reference Librarian. Anna holds a BS in communications from Ithaca College, a JD from the University of Washington School of Law, and an MLIS from the University of Washington iSchool.
Register here.
To learn about other upcoming classes on domestic and foreign law topics, visit the Legal Research Institute.
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