As we continue to add historical data to, we updated the Dates of Past Sessions page back to the first session of the first Congress for both the House and Senate on March 4, 1789. There are links from the Congresses for which we have Browse pages.
We also added three new Congresses to our Bound Congressional Record collection adding the 53rd – 55th Congresses (1893-1899). If you’d like to search this early content after you click the link, remember to check the Search Within box before running the search.

Enhancement – Bound Congressional Record – Additional Congresses
- The Bound Congressional Record has been added for the 53rd – 55th Congresses (1893-1899).
Enhancement – Legislation Text – Search
- Find law text by searching on a public law citation in the Legislation Numbers box on the Legislation Text search form.
Enhancement – Past Days in Session – Browse
- Congressional sessions are listed on the Past Days in Session browse page beginning with the first Congress.
Search Tip
One of my favorite features of is the bill tracker. It helps shows the the legislative status steps at a high level. To see at a glance in previous Congresses where the legislation can no longer progress, the tracker stops with the last step completed. For example, the Became Law option will no longer display if it cannot become law.

Most-Viewed Bills
The following are the most-viewed bills for the week of October 30, 2022.
1. | H.R.5376 [117th] | Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 |
2. | S.623 [117th] | Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 |
3. | H.R.7861 [117th] | Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act |
4. | H.R.1808 [117th] | Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 |
5. | H.R.3617 [117th] | Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act |
6. | H.R.82 [117th] | Social Security Fairness Act of 2021 |
7. | H.R.3684 [117th] | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act |
8. | H.R.7900 [117th] | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 |
9. | H.R.9157 [117th] | To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold, and for other purposes. |
10. | S.4090 [117th] | Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022 |
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