In fall 2022, the Law Library of Congress added foreign legal gazettes for the countries of Niger, New Caledonia, Suriname, Cabo Verde, and the Cook Islands.
New Law Library Report on "Lobbying and Foreign Agent Registration Laws" published. It provides information on lobbying and foreign agent registration laws in select jurisdictions.
Join foreign law specialist Tariq Ahmad on April 25 at 2:00pm for a Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar on Judicial Responses to Anti-conversion Laws in India.
A few weeks ago, on June 6, Swedes celebrated their national day, in remembrance of both Gustav Vasa being elected king on this date in 1523 and the adoption of the Constitution of 1809, establishing the constitutional monarchy. If you ask a Swede, however, it seems an even bigger celebration is actually Midsommarafton (Midsummer’s Eve), …