I recently returned from my first visit to Austin, Texas for the 110th American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting and Conference. Hanibal, Tariq, and I hosted a panel, Tech Trends + Transparency. In it we discussed a new Law Library of Congress report, Features of Parliamentary Websites, by the Law Library’s foreign law specialists. In the …
We are back from the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2016 Annual Conference in Chicago. I was happy to present with Abbie Grotke at the Legal Information Preservation Alliance’s annual meeting. I discussed several Law Library related web archiving initiatives, including: adding the historic Congressional Record from THOMAS to Congress.gov; the recent Archives Unleashed event; using Perma.cc in our research …
This post is coauthored by Jeanine Cali and Andrew Weber. It seems like only yesterday we were running around Philadelphia for the annual conference of the American Association of Law Libraries. The week before the conference, Kelly wrote a post previewing the programs in which our staff would make presentations on subjects from content management, to …
This year I attended my third American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting. Two years ago in Philadelphia I did a presentation with Christine, Tammie, and Bob on THOMAS. Last year in Boston, I presented with David, Tina, and Emily Feltren on Law.gov. This year, Tammie, Jeanine, and I went to Seattle to talk …
I enjoyed collecting feedback from my co-workers after last year’s American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) annual conference. I thought it would be a good idea to continue the tradition. This year’s conference was in Boston. In addition to snapping some library pictures while I was there, I presented with David, Tina, and Emily Feltren on …
Last week I had the pleasure to present at the American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting and Conference in Philadelphia with Christine, Tammie, and Bob. Ours was one of several presentations by staff from the Library of Congress. It was my first time to attend the conference, and it was a great way to learn more …
Tariq, Andrew and I, along with other Law Library colleagues, recently participated in the 110th American Association of Law Librarians (AALL) Annual Meeting and Conference. If you haven not done so yet, check out Andrew’s post on the experiences of our colleagues at the conference. In addition to attending many of the wonderful programs offered, the …
This post is coauthored by Hanibal Goitom and Andrew Weber. Later this month the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 110th Annual Meeting and Conference will take place in Austin, Texas. This year’s theme is Forgo the Status Quo. The Law Library of Congress had multiple proposals accepted for this year’s conference. Jennifer is participating in two panels. The first is The …
The following is a guest post by Elizabeth Osborne, Legal Reference Librarian at the Law Library of Congress. A number of Law Library of Congress staff members recently attended the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 112th Annual Meeting and Conference in Washington, DC. The conference provides law librarians and legal information professionals with opportunities for …