Previously on this blog we have published articles related to developments in the refugee laws of particular countries in response to the current refugee crisis. For example, Elin wrote two posts on the refugee laws of Denmark and Sweden, and Theresa wrote a post on the European Union’s approach to the crisis. There are also …
The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) had a great 2014. One of the Law Library of Congress premier online sources, the GLM published 431 articles in 2014 covering legal developments around the world, particularly parliamentary acts and court decisions on a variety of issues. When writing for the Global Legal Monitor, we try to focus on issues that we believe will interest …
The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) is a good source for following legal developments around the world. An excellent example of this is the range of topics covered by the GLM articles published in August, which included: Administrative law and regulatory procedures; Family planning and birth control; Human rights; Crime and law enforcement; Immigration; Taxation; and Freedom …
If you follow our work closely, you know that the Law Library of Congress often produces foreign, comparative, and international law reports on a wide range of important issues. Our recently completed report, titled Laws on Children Residing with Parents in Prison, surveys the laws of ninety-seven countries related to young children residing in prison …
During the month of December we often think back and take stock of events, debates, challenges, and achievements of the past year. This year, various issues have received national attention, including debates on immigration reform, gun control, and issues relating to the handling of sexual offenses in the military. Here at the Law Library of …
This installment of my Global Legal Monitor (GLM) Highlights post combines June and July GLM articles. The articles published in the two months addressed a wide range of legal subjects: Banks and financial institutions; Communications and electronic information; Criminal law and procedure; Education; Immigration; Labor; and Nationality and citizenship. Below is a list of the top …
It is that time of the month again when we provide you with updates on the new, exciting articles published in the Global Legal Monitor (GLM), the Law Library’s online publication on legal developments around the world. We usually do two things: provide a list of articles with the most views, and note a few …
One thing I enjoy at the end of every month is going to the Global Legal Monitor (GLM) page and browsing through the articles on legal developments from different corners of the world published that month. Thirty articles were published in the GLM in February. Among these are three notable articles regarding the regulation of firearms …
This week’s interview is with LeeAnne Rupple, Special Assistant to the Law Librarian. Enjoy! Describe your background. I was born in South Carolina to a family of die-hard, born and bred, Texans! I spent the bulk of my adolescent years in St. Louis, Missouri; however, my dad’s job required us to move frequently, so I …