Last week we were fortunate to have a guest post by Laney Zhang, our Chinese Foreign Law Specialist. This Pic of the Week comes from inside her office. It is the map she has displayed with a China-centric perspective. Not surprisingly, it is similar to Kelly’s Pacific-centered map from New Zealand (aside from the addition …
One of my favorite posts to do for In Custodia Legis is the annual recap for Last year was terrific, and this year we were able to keep building on that success. We have been working on incorporating the Century of Lawmaking site into
This week’s interview is with Qun Lai, a quality assurance specialist within the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born and raised in China. I came to the United States for my graduate studies in my twenties and have stayed since. I have a Bachelor of Science from …
We are back from the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2016 Annual Conference in Chicago. I was happy to present with Abbie Grotke at the Legal Information Preservation Alliance’s annual meeting. I discussed several Law Library related web archiving initiatives, including: adding the historic Congressional Record from THOMAS to; the recent Archives Unleashed event; using in our research …
Now that we are midway through the year I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at our metrics at this point. What In Custodia Legis blog posts have been popular? What Law Library of Congress reports? What legislation? The mix of the top ten new blog posts highlights both our foreign and …
We recently started to do some user testing on our website, It has been interesting to listen to the feedback because I know the answers and sometimes people are close but miss what I can clearly see. I’m sitting in my office occasionally saying things to the screen (while my phone is muted). I have sat …
This week’s interview is with Rob Sukol, Deputy Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rob previously did the guest post titled “The United States Code Online – Downloadable XML Files and More” on In Custodia Legis. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The music scene in Philly grabbed …
The following is a guest post by Tammie Nelson, project manager of and an Information Technology Specialist at the Library of Congress. Ever since I have been working at the Library of Congress, I have made it a practice to find and photograph the national library when I visit a new country. Judging by many of the Pics of …
This year I attended my third American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting. Two years ago in Philadelphia I did a presentation with Christine, Tammie, and Bob on THOMAS. Last year in Boston, I presented with David, Tina, and Emily Feltren on This year, Tammie, Jeanine, and I went to Seattle to talk …