Back in January, Nicolas kicked off our ”FALQs” (aka “Frequently Asked Legal Questions“) series with a post on terrorism in France. He was asked on Twitter to continue the series with a post on freedom of speech in France. He has previously blogged about ”How Sunday Came to be a Day of Rest in France,” “Napoleon Bonaparte …
Web traffic tends to slowdown in the summer. The weather gets nice and people leave their computers and devices behind. It’s easy to miss a post or two while busy on vacation or recess. Thankfully, we keep track of our metrics and can share what has been popular over the last three months. While down compared …
Now that we are midway through the year I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at our metrics at this point. What In Custodia Legis blog posts have been popular? What Law Library of Congress reports? What legislation? The mix of the top ten new blog posts highlights both our foreign and …
This is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, French foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas wrote FALQs: Freedom of Speech in France and co-collaborated on the post, Does the Haitian Criminal Code Outlaw Making Zombies. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada and my first language is …