A peculiar street sign in DC leads to the discovery of DC's official dinosaur - and the later laws that came into effect in order to protect future findings.
As you may have seen, the United States Congressional Serial Set documents from the 69th Congress have been digitized and made public by the Law Library and the Government Publishing Office (GPO). If you’ve ever been to any Smithsonian museum, or explored a virtual Smithsonian exhibit, you might be familiar with the Bureau of American Ethnology …
Every so often, the Digital Resources Division comes across a unique subject of debate. Most recently, the question of “the uniform or costume of persons in the diplomatic or consular service” caught our attention. (S. Exec. Doc. No. 31, 36th Cong., 1st Sess., at 1 (1860) reprinted in Serial Set Vol. 1031.) In an 1860 …