In celebration of Valentine’s Day this past weekend, I have once again polled my blog colleagues for some of their favorite movies involving love and the law. As I noted in our 2014 post on Valentine’s Day, we seem to be somewhat jaundiced on the subject of love so not all the stories are happy …
Between July 18 and August 15, 1939, one of the most consequential letters in modern history was drafted by Albert Einstein and the Hungarian-born physicist Leo Szilard. The letter, which was eventually delivered to President Franklin Roosevelt,led to the Manhattan Project and the development of the first two atomic weapons. Szilard and two other Hungarian-born physicists, …
Once again we have updated this guide as of today, May 8, 2020. These updates include new presidential actions and a link from the IRS for additional information on the stimulus checks. We have added links to information under the State Government section as well highlighted some of the recent CRS reports and new blog …
This is a guest post by Jim Martin, senior legal information analyst at the Law Library of Congress. Jim has written some of our most popular posts over the years including The Articles of Confederation. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Hapsburg presumptive heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his …
As a student of history, I often wonder how many people understand the significance of the date of Veterans Day and why it is always celebrated on the day of the holiday and not, like Labor Day or Memorial Day, observed on a Monday. The holiday began originally as a commemoration associated with World War I …
When Andrew asked me if I would write a post for Shakespeare’s birthday, I enthusiastically agreed. I had just been rewatching Kenneth Branagh’s film, Henry V and as a dedicated Anglophile thought, this will be easy! I subsequently realized that as a writer for the Law Library’s blog I would need to write about Shakespeare and the law – …
This week’s interview is with Jeanine Cali who is a writer for the Law Library’s Outreach Team. Jeanine had previously worked at the Law Library from 2003 to 2009 as a legal reference librarian and has recently returned to the Law Library. Describe your background I began work at the Law Library of Congress in …